Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch...Just smoke my cigarette and hush..."

     Well clearly my resolution to post more often is off to a rough start but then again its easy to improve if the bar is set low to begin with. 
     Things with Ad Guy have been going great for once, we've had about five more dates and  have...ahem, been together in a biblical way.  And I was even a lady this time waiting for three whole dates before giving it up.  As with any guy I start to see romantically, I know that there has to be some problem or flaw with them.  All guys have them, even me, but some have bigger problems than others and Ad Guy has a pretty big one.   I found out a week ago that he isn't out to any of his family or really anyone from his home town.  Some of this is a bigger deal than others, such as the home town part...big deal.  Plus the only reason I found out about it was because he got his sister a free-lance gig at his firm and she is staying with him for two weeks.  So suddenly I have become a dirty little secret while she is staying with him.  I know that everyone has to come out on their own terms but after a certain point in life barring any physical ailments or financial dependency being closeted just turns into milking it.  He is 23 and is finished with college and lives on his own in a city four states away.   It really has made me think about what it would mean for any sort of long term involvement with him and what it would mean.  Not that I am against dating someone just because they haven't told their parents but family is a big deal for me and I want to share my family with him and to do the same with his.  He told me that he wants to tell them but that there just hasn't been the right time...(insert groan here).  I feel like some poor straight guy believing a baby trapping whore who is telling me that she is on the pill...aka buyer beware.  So for now I'll wait and see how it goes and if I think that its worth it to look past this issue.
     I also have some news on the UG front.  I saw him last night at a spa in midtown for a "sparty"  with other like minded homos.  Basically a thinly veiled reason to be naked in public with possibility of inappropriate  touching in the steam room.  But I did talk with him for a while and found out that he is dating someone whom he seems very interested in.  After hearing this I thought that I would be crushed but instead I actually felt liberated from it meant that I could finally free myself from this obsession with trying to be with him.  Even the next day I'm not at all upset and I'm actually glad that I can just be friends with him. 
     On a sluttier note...I have joined the masses and downloaded the homo low-jack known as Grindr. 

If your not familiar its a "social networking" (read hook-up) app that allows you to chat with boys but it only tells you how many feet/miles away from you they are.  It doesn't say where they are just that they are *blank* distance from your location.  So basically it has turned my iPod into a iWhore...very classy.

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